Choose a Real Florist!

To get the best value and service, be sure to choose a real local florist like Hanging Basket Florist in Rockingham WA.

With e-commerce now an everyday reality there are many different companies competing for your attention online. Unfortunately there are some companies out there who are using deceptive means to get your money.

Typically when you search for Rockingham Florist on Google, the top three result are ads. More often than not these ads are paid for by companies with big marketing budgets and not your local florist. These companies have created business names to seem like they are a real florist, using common womens names with the word florist (eg Sally’s Florist) to try to deceive the customer into believing they are dealing with a real local florist. However the reality is that they are an Eastern States based business with a call centre and websites, and not a stem of flowers to be seen. These companies then send on your order on to the real local florist, minus a commission.

When a customer buys flowers in this way, the profits go to a large corporation over East, taking the money out of the local area. As a real local business, we employ local Rockingham people and spend our money in the Rockingham area. Some people like to be ethical consumers who want to support their local community, others couldn’t care less, but in any case more often than not you will get a better deal by going direct to your local florist. In addition to better prices the local florist can offer helpful advice and make suggestions on what flowers are best at the moment and offer custom-designed arrangements and bouquets. The customer is not limited to ordering from pictures on the internet.

Given the lengths that these middlemen – or order gatherers as they are known in the floral industry – go to to give the impression that they are real flower shops, how is a customer to know the difference?

A real local florist should:

Have a local address. If there is no address on the website or if you see the business listing on Google Maps and it is a house or the middle of a park, chances are it is a bogus listing.

Have a local phone number. Small businesses with only one outlet do not have 1300 phone numbers.

Support the businesses that support your community and buy local.


By Todd Smith

Todd Smith Co-owner/Manager Hanging Basket Florist