Dozen Red Roses

Dozen Red Roses

Six Red Roses

Six Red Roses


Send roses in Baldivis with Hanging Basket Florist. Place your order before 2.30 PM for same day rose delivery in Baldivis. Hanging Basket Florist - your local Baldivis Florist since 1983. Looking to send a beautiful bouquet of roses to someone special in Baldivis? Our exquisite selection of fresh roses is perfect for any occasion, from romantic gestures to heartfelt celebrations. Whether it's a classic bouquet of red roses to express love or a vibrant mix of colours to brighten someone's day, we offer same-day delivery to Baldivis, ensuring your thoughtful gift arrives in perfect condition. Let our roses speak volumes with their timeless elegance and stunning beauty.Order roses now from Baldivis florist.


Send Roses Baldivis


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Roses Delivery to Baldivis

1. Can I get same-day rose delivery in Baldivis?
Yes, we offer convenient same-day delivery for all rose orders to Baldivis. Simply place your order by 2.30 pm and we’ll ensure your roses arrive fresh and beautiful on the same day.

2. What types of roses do you offer for delivery in Baldivis?
We provide a stunning selection of roses in a variety of colours, including classic red, pink, white, and yellow. Whether you're looking for romantic red roses or a vibrant mixed bouquet, we have options for every occasion.

3. Do you deliver roses to other nearby areas?
Yes! In addition to Baldivis, we also deliver to surrounding suburbs such as Rockingham, Kwinana, and Wellard. If you're unsure if we deliver to your area, feel free to contact us for more details.

4. Can I customise my rose bouquet?
Absolutely! You can customise your bouquet by choosing the number of roses, colours, and even adding extra touches like chocolates, balloons, or a personalised card to make your gift extra special.

5. How are the roses packaged for delivery?
Our roses are carefully packaged to ensure they arrive in perfect condition. Each bouquet is wrapped with a water source to keep the flowers fresh during transit.

6. What occasions are roses suitable for?
Roses are perfect for a wide range of occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, and more. Whether you’re celebrating a romantic milestone or simply want to brighten someone’s day, roses are a timeless and versatile choice.

7. How do I care for my roses after they’ve been delivered?
To keep your roses looking fresh, place them in a clean vase with fresh water as soon as possible. Change the water every two days, trim the stems at a 45-degree angle, and keep them away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

8. Can I schedule a rose delivery in Baldivis for a specific date?
Yes, you can pre-order your roses and schedule delivery for a specific date. Simply select your preferred delivery date during checkout, and we’ll take care of the rest.

9. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and Afterpay, making it easy for you to pay in instalments. Your payment is processed securely through our encrypted payment gateway.

10. What should I do if I need to change or cancel my order?
If you need to make changes to your order or cancel it, please contact us as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request, as long as it’s before the order has been dispatched.